Root Canal

A root canal is a treatment your Springfield dentist will use to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. During this procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and then sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may develop.
A tooth’s root or nerve is the area in the center of the tooth that contains nerves and the pulp. While a nerve is not essential to a tooth’s health or function, it is responsible for sensations and if it is damaged a tooth will often be sensitive to hot and cold foods or even cold air.

How Will I Know if I Need a Root Canal?

There are occasions where no symptoms are present, but here are the most common signs your Springfield dentist will ask if you are experiencing:

  • Severe toothache pain when chewing or applying pressure
  • Extensive sensitivity or pain to heat and cold temperatures after the source has been removed
  • Discoloration or darkening of the tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums
  • A persistent or recurring pimple on the gums

What is Involved in Root Canal?

All this procedure consists of is removing the dead nerve and damaged tissue in the central cavity of the tooth. The area is then cleaned and sealed from further contamination. Unfortunately, the process often requires two appointments because on many occasions the tooth must be protected with a crown. During the first visit a temporary crown is put in place, while a permanent one is produced in a laboratory. When the procedure is complete, regular oral hygiene rules apply.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

This procedure has the reputation of being very painful, but the majority of patients report it is no more uncomfortable than having a tooth filled. Your Springfield dentist will take the necessary measures to ensure you are as comfortable as possible for all dental work.