Springfield Dental Crowns Springfield Dental Crown

Do you have a broken or chipped tooth in need of immediate repair? A dental crown is essentially a cap that your dentist places over an existing tooth. There are many reasons you may require one, such as a tooth with a cavity that is too deep for a traditional filling, a broken or chipped tooth, a tooth that has received a root canal, and more. It protects teeth with these issues and maintains the natural look of your smile. Springfield Dental Emergency is here to fix your ailing teeth & gums, chipped and broken teeth with a new or replacement crown quickly!

What Is A Dental Crown?

A crown can be made from a variety of materials such as, porcelain, ceramics, metal alloys, and more. Your emergency dentist will determine the best course of action for you based on factors such as tooth location, the amount of tooth that shows when you smile, and the color or shade of the tooth. Often times different materials are blended together to get the best match in color to your existing teeth.

Placement usually involve two appointments. At the first your dentist will prepare the tooth by removing the outer portion along with any decay. The dentist may build up the tooth’s core for support. A temporary is then placed while the permanent is prepared. 

Once the permanent is ready the dentist will make any needed adjustments. If you’re happy with the way it looks, the dentist will cement it in place. 

Caring For A Dental Crown

While a crown gives your tooth protection it is important to remember that a crown can break and the tooth under the crown can still get cavities. It is best to avoid biting on hard objects such as ice so as not to cause damage. Also, twice daily brushing and routine exams from your dentist can help keep your it at it’s best for a healthy smile. Check out our Springfield Dental Emergency Guide for more emergency conditions, treatments, painful oral conditions, at home care and more!