Emergency Dental BridgeEmergency Bridge

A bridge is designed to preserve your natural bite and keep your remaining teeth from shifting. When one or more teeth go missing it can cause issues with the entire structure of your mouth. Sometimes, it can become dislodged, fall out or become painful. While some issues don’t call for an emergency dentist near you, there are cases in which an emergency bridge needs to be looked at immediately. In cases like these, call our emergency clinic at (417) 720-4073.

How Are Dental Bridges Fitted?

There are different types of oral bridges. One of these is known as a fixed bridge. With a Fixed Bridge the dentist will prepare the natural teeth on either side of the space where it will be fitted. These teeth will hold the it in place. Usually a temporary is fitted while the lab works from an impression of your mouth to construct your permanent one. Once ready the dentist cements to permanent it in place. This type is designed to stay in place and cannot be removed without a trip to the dentist.

Another style common among Dental Bridges is an Implant Supported Bridge. With this style, the posts are implanted in the jaw bone and old one in place. Implant-supported bridges are suitable for those patients who are in good health and have enough healthy jaw bone material to support the implants. This style of bridge can maintain the integrity of the jaw bone itself.

Tips On Caring For Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges can be an effective treatment for your overall oral health. However, a Bridge is only viable as long as the teeth around it stay healthy. It is important to follow your dentists instructions following your Dental Bridge procedure, such as:

  • Brush and floss twice a day.
  • Be sure to clean between the teeth and under the bridge.
  • Schedule routine exams and cleanings with your dentist.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.

With proper care dental bridges can help you achieve a healthy & beautiful smile for years to come. If your bridge becomes loose or causes pain, contact our Springfield Dental Emergency clinic to be seen today.