Tooth Cavities

Cavities come from tooth decay and from damage to the tooth. Tooth decay is caused by certain foods like bread, milk, cereal, soda, fruit, candy or cake that remain on your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth turn them into acids and when combined with saliva it forms plague, which cling to the teeth. The acids in plague dissolve the enamel of the tooth and these holes are cavities. Many people think only young children suffer from this condition, but it can happen at any time in life as they can also because by the gums pulling away from the teeth to expose the root.

How Will I Know if I Have Cavities? Cavities

There are times only a dentist can discover them through a regular exam. Other signs include:

  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet and sour foods and drinks
  • Toothaches
  • Visible pits and holes in your teeth

How are Cavities Treated?

How your Springfield dentist will treat this condition is based upon how severe it is. Here are the most common ways a cavity is fixed:

  • Dental fillings of all shapes sizes and materials
  • Crowns to protect the tooth from further damage
  • Root canals to remove the infection in severe cases

What Can Be Done to Prevent Cavities?

Although some people are more prone to develop this condition genetically, there are things you can do to protect yourself from what can become an emergency dental situation. These include:

  • A healthy diet that is well rounded and balanced
  • Avoiding sugary and acidic food and drinks
  • Regular brushing and flossing
  • Using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Regular dental appointments
  • Use a fluoride or antibacterial rinse