Broken and Chipped Teeth are a Common Dental Emergency

Despite your teeth being one of the most durable structures in the body, chipped teeth are a very common Springfield dental emergency. They can be caused from a serious fall, a blow to the face or simply from cavities that make your teeth weak. Although chipped teeth can be painful they can usually be easily repaired.

Self-Care for Chipped Teeth BRoken-Chipped-tooth

You should see your Springfield dentist as soon as possible, but if you are experiencing pain prior to your appointment here are several things you can do at home:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to reduce the risk of infection and ease pain
  • Place a piece of sugarless gum or paraffin over the surface of the tooth if it is jagged or has sharp edges
  • Avoid hard foods or biting down
  • How Can Chipped Teeth Be Fixed?

This depends on how severe the damage to the tooth or teeth is, but here are the most common methods to repair this dental emergency:
Dental Bonding or Filling: Your Springfield dentist simply applies a bonding material to the front of the tooth and hardens it under an ultraviolet light. It does not require any numbing, the tooth can be used almost instantly and it looks just like the rest of your teeth.
Dental Crown or Cap: A cap or crown is placed over the surface of the tooth to protect it from further damage. These also look just like your normal teeth.
Veneers: Porcelain veneers are placed on the front of the teeth and then shaped to look like the rest of your teeth. They are very durable and can last for decades with proper care.
Enamel Shaping: Used often for small chips, it can be used in conjunction with bonding or on its own. Your Springfield dentist grinds away a portion of the tooth and then shapes it with a composite material.